I have to confess - I had no intention of writing this blog about this topic. In fact, I took pictures of Noah today that I had intended to share.
So here is the back story.
My cleptomanic daughter jacked a Mad Libs book from a boy at school.
Okay, okay. That's not exactly what happened. Bri found a Mad Libs book at school. She knew it belonged to someone else, but she wanted it so bad and she knew this boy had several of them, so she figured he'd never notice it was missing. Thus, she kept it. Now, that in itself was wrong. But to make it worse, the teacher confronted the class and said, no one is in trouble, but if you found it please bring it back. However, now Bri felt trapped and couldn't give it back because she was scared she would get in trouble. Well, because these things always back fire, another kid in the class, saw she had it and told on her. Her teacher very politely pulled her aside and told her that it wasn't a big deal, but if she found it and took it home by mistake, she needed to bring it back on Monday.
Let me just say, I had no idea - about any of this at this point.
Okay, fast forward to Sunday Night, after I've put Noah to bed. Bri starts crying. I finally pry out of her what happened, and that she was going to just take it back to him but when she just walked into her room she found that Noah had destroyed the book. Colored on every page, ripped the cover off...you know, normal Noah style. So now she can't take it back.
Pardon me, while I giggle at natural consequences kicking her ass.
Sooo...we went in to the school today, informed the teacher of what happened. I told her teacher I feel very strongly that she needed to be punished at school for it, as well as home. But that I also would replace the book for the boy, because it is unfair to him.
Alright, back story over.
So I went to Borders this afternoon to pick up a new Mad Libs book for the boy in Bri's class. I should not be allowed in Book Stores. I can't resist man! I LOVE books. No way around it. I do have the borders reward card thing where I get 10% off every purchase...so...I justify my actions. So I ended up walking out with two new books for me, one for Bri and some worm thing for Noah.
Anyways...one of the books I bought was Water for Elephants. Call me a bandwagon reader, yea, I woulda never wanted to read it had I not heard so much about the movie. But all the reviews of the movie I have read talk about the importance of reading the book first.
So I started reading the book at like 5:30p, after dinner tonight. I continued to read while Noah was in the bath, during bed time routine, while Bri showered, through my normal computer time. And here it is 10:30 at night and I have finished the book. I could not put it down. It was AMAZING.
It is absolutely no wonder that they made a movie from it. Seriously, if you have not read this book, I highly recommend it. I'm not going to type out the plot and stuff, because it's quite intricate and would take a long time. But let me just say - this is in my Top 5 favorite books of all time.
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