Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Forest through the Trees

So, I have ignored my lovely blog for 2 days, and I'm not sure I have much to say today - as I spent most of the night in complete agony from whatever demon has possessed my stomach. I finally have eaten and been able to keep it down - that's a good sign right? Pleaseee say yes.

But as I tossed and turned and cried and considered ripping my guts out, I had a thought about nothing being permanent. It was a...revalation of sorts. By 4am, I was exhausted and really started to get concerned. Then I realized - this will end, life will go on, there is still a forest through the trees.

My life hasn't exactly been an easy one - but its been one filled with small blessings and large ones too. During the times when Im frustrated, or tired, or ready to give up, I can still look around and see the beauty in the trees, in the sunsets, in the laughter of my children. And so, I keep going, and changing, and trying to be a better person.

I'm alone in my house, its quiet and my stomach hurts, but I know this will end and tomorrow will be better. The sun still rises and sets. The world keeps turning. And today - its still a beautiful day.

What motivates you to keep going when you want to give up?