I started it at 6:30 and was done with it by 9. I had to finish it, because it had me slightly freaked out. It was...creepy. But not in a real realistic kind of way. I don't recommended it, unless you are looking for a 1.99 cheap book to read when you have nothing better to do. And even then...I don't really think I'd recommend it. I'll try to get up the patience or desire to actually review some of the books I've been reading lately. But not today.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Day 126: Talk about it Friday
I started it at 6:30 and was done with it by 9. I had to finish it, because it had me slightly freaked out. It was...creepy. But not in a real realistic kind of way. I don't recommended it, unless you are looking for a 1.99 cheap book to read when you have nothing better to do. And even then...I don't really think I'd recommend it. I'll try to get up the patience or desire to actually review some of the books I've been reading lately. But not today.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Day 124: Random
1. Jim Carrey looks gaunt. Like way to skinny.
2. Bri stays up way to late these days.
3. I'm going to passionately and desperately miss Tammy when we leave here. I can't imagine going back to life without her.
4. I have the best dog in the world. She guards us, she loves us. She's a damn good dog.
5. I want to teach. I want to be part of a classroom, of a school, of a district. I know, I KNOW, that I will be a great teacher...I just gotta get someone to give me a chance.
6. My son is so stinkin adorable. But it really upsets me that he can be so mean. I hate when he hits Tammy more then anything.
7. I love Almond Snickers Bars.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Day 123: Have you seen this?
So as the previews were going through, this one movie caught my attention, it's called 127 hours. It's like an indie film that got amazing reviews and is nominated for a ton of awards, and it stars James Franco.
The story sounds familiar...guy stuck in a mountain in Utah for 6 days and he ultimately cuts his own arm off.
So I looked it up online, as I'm one to do. And ran across this video. OMG. You gotta watch it. I recommend not watching it, because I feel like stabbing my eyes out, but you should watch it anyways!
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Day 122: Numbers
Getting a good/teaching job in this economy is a numbers game.
Well, shoot - why didn't someone tell me that earlier?
I'm great with numbers! If it's a numbers game, I can totally play.
But I started to get confused about where I had applied and where I hadn't - and where I looked and where I hadn't. So the numbers game has become all statistical and whatnot. The places with black X's either don't have jobs, or I have applied for every job I'm eligible for in it.
I'm certainly not done yet - lots more states to go.
If only someone so wise had told me about this game to begin with!
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
day 120: Adventures in potty training...Part 1.
When one seriously considers these types of life changes, one starts to have weird crazy thoughts about what to get done before you may be able to go.
What has been lingering on my mind?
My son's unwillingness to potty train.
I'm thinking - how hard will it be to find someone to watch this little tornado in the bush? And how much harder would that be if he was a 3 year old in diapers?
Weird, eh?
So I did it. I bought a potty and lots of "panties"
hahahaha. I tried to tell him that they were called undies for boys, but he insists on calling them his panties.
I got all his undies opened up, talked him through it, opened the potty and he immediately sat on it.
After about a minute - he peed!!
We clapped, we cheered, we emptied the potty and put it back together.
He sat on the potty and peed - Again! We cleaned it, cheered, clapped.
He sat down and peed....again...
third verse same as the first.
This was all in 5 minutes, by the way.
So I'm thinking, holy crap! How easy!
I ask him if he has to go again, he says no. So we put the undies on, and go out to the garage because we were going to Tammy's. I run back inside to grab my phone, come back out and guess what?
Noah peed....all over the garage.
We come back inside, change clothes, sit on the potty again, put new undies on and leave.
We get to Tammys and Noah wanted to go out and play. Being the diligent mom I am, I stop him and ask, do you want to go in and potty first?
Ummm No. And he's off.
10 minutes later, he pees...and poops...in his underwear.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Day 119: A lotta good it'll do ya...
To get a good job, you gotta get a college education?
Turns out - that's a LIE. A big furry fat one.
Okay, okay...apparently I just picked a bad degree....and the economy happens to be in a recession right now...and yadda yadda.
But seriously, if I fill out one more online application...I might FREAK out.
I've now applied at:
Natrona Country School District - Wyoming
Laramie County School District - Wyoming
Lebanon Community School District - Oregon
Jefferson School District - Oregon
Every district in Alaska
Every district in Hawaii
Tons of schools in Arizona
I have also searched for jobs in:
South Dakota
And I'm kinda feeling...spent.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Day 118: Country Strong
I just watched the movie Country Strong. Have you seen it?
Talk about D-E-P-R-E-S-S-I-N-G
Like majorly. I thought it was going to be one of those feel good, everyone wins movies. Yea, that wasn't the case. In fact, it was quite the opposite.
I do have to say - the movie wasn't the greatest for several reasons.
1. It was choppy. Like it jumped around in weird places. So events didn't really make a lot of since.
2. The back story took to long to come out. Like - over halfway into the movie, I still didn't know why she was so depressing. Just bits and pieces.
3. It kind of like...promoted suicide as being the answer. It like...ended her problems and catapulted everyone else into making the right choices. That was weird.
Anyways - Have you seen it? What did you think?
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Day 117: Nebulizer
But alas...I have bronchitis and an asthma flare. My throat hurts from coughing so much, so I got a prescription for cough syrup with codeine, my lungs hurt, so I got a prescriptions for a Z pack, and I'm having trouble breathing, so back on breathing treatments.
At least I had the good thought process to bring my nebulizer. Even though I hate it.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 18, 2011
Day 116: Overwhelmed
Looks like I'm applying at jobs like Home Depot.
Looks like I'm feeling so overwhelmed.
I'm so tired of this.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Day 115: Colby's Birthday
Colby's birthday is in 3 days, the 19th. How well I remember that day. The decision, the complications, the hurt, the relief.
And how weird it is to think it's been 6 years already.
Today we celebrated. I looked around at everyone there, and realized, everyone there knew. And suddenly, I felt super awkward...and didn't belong there. With this family.
But if I don't belong there...with them. And I don't belong with my real family...where does that leave me? No where. I don't belong anywhere.
Anyways - we didn't stay at the party long. Noah threw a handful of dirt in the eyes of the infant's (that Tammy babysits) father. Then hit the baby. He was pretty much an all around jerk. And as I said, for some reason, this huge amount of uncomfortable-ness hit me. So, we not so gracefully (thank you Noah), made our exit.
But I got some pictures to share anyways.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 15, 2011
Day 114: An interesting thought
Weirdly, it's sort of made me think about some things.
I used to ask K all the time about eternity and what would happen after he died. And it bothered me very much that he didn't really care. I would passionately argue about his eternity in hell and he would just look at me and say, "eh". That used to break my ultra religious heart. I couldn't "save" him, no matter how passionately and convincingly I relayed my message. I could not understand why it didn't bother him, at all.

The thing is - no matter how persuasively someone argues or discusses their opinion or beliefs, if you don't believe in it - their belief in their afterlife just doesn't matter. If hell doesn't exist in your belief, then no matter how much someone talks about it, it isn't scary. There is nothing scary about it.

Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Day 113: Cookies
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 12:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Day 112: A very happy birthday wish
Let me just tell you, she was the most obnoxious child I had ever met at the time. I don't really remember why I couldn't stand her, but I really couldn't. As time went on, and Eric and my mom got more serious and eventually married, solidifying my relationship with my cousins.
Throughout the years, I have gotten to be part of watching Jordan grow up. When she was little, I babysat her. When she got older, I enabled her. And when she neared adulthood, she saved me.
When Noah was born, Jordan was right there, every chance she got, or when I needed help the most.
I don't know that Noah and I would have made it through the first year without her.
So with that, I hope that tomorrow she has a fantastic birthday and that all of her birthday wishes come true.
I love you Miss Jordan.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 11:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day 110: Yes!
Noah learned to say Yes! and Yea! in the same week!
Before this week, if you asked Noah a question and the answer was yes, he made this weird grunting "huhhhh" news that I can't accurately describe here.
But the last two days - it's been yes.
Very funny, very nice. I like it.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Day 109: Going Back to School
Start Date: May 2, 2011
Program Level: Masters
Program Name Education: Guidance and Counseling (ME)
Concentration None
Minor None
Certificate None
Must take the following in this Section:
EDUC501 - Human Growth and Development 0/3
EDUC505 - The Professional School Counselor 0/3
EDUC507 - Professional Orientation and Ethical Practice 0/3
EDUC515 - Helping Relationships 0/3
EDUC530 - Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing I 0/3
EDUC533 - Assessment, Evaluation, and Testing II 0/3
EDUC535 - Theories of Counseling 0/3
EDUC627 - Group Counseling - Theory and Practice 0/3
EDUC628 - Social and Cultural Diversity Counseling 0/3
EDUC640 - Research Methods in Education 0/3
EDUC645 - Career Counseling and Development 0/3
EDUC655 - Counseling Children, Adolescents, and Teens 0/3
Final Program Requirement 0/12
Must take the following in this Section:
EDUC696 - Practicum 0/6
EDUC699 - Internship 0/6
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Day 108: Beaten
So tired of trying and trying to win.
I give up, I'm done
This life is no fun.
Nothing I do turns out right.
Why bother to continue the fight.
Drowning. Drowning. This is it.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 8, 2011
Day 107: Shoot me now!
I woke up this morning, mentally prepared..I thought.
But I smoke this morning anyways. Because I'm a rebel like that.
Anyways, I got to the doctor's office at 10:30 and was taken back pretty quick. I flirted with the anesthesia guy...or he flirted with me. It was this bizarre conversation about raccoon suits, intravenous pick-up lines and the like. He knew I was very nervous and was very good to me.
So Doc came in and talked to me, then I was on my way. I got into the room and the guy told me whatever I go to sleep thinking about, I'll wake up thinking about. And with that - the process began. I focused all my energy on thinking about how funny Noah is and was out.
I woke up and instantly thought - omg ill never have another little noah inside of my belly. And started crying. I freaked everyone in the room out, but couldn't control it. I continued to cry, for the next hour. But at some point, I quit crying about never feeling a baby kick and start crying about the excruciatingly horrible cramping that hurt so bad I wanted to scream.
Tammy came and got me and brought me home. She offered to take Noah for the night for me, but Bri is already staying the night at a friend's house and I couldn't bare the thought of being kid-less today, so I brought him home with me.
Here is the before and after picture of my Fallopian Tubes...as if you really wanted to see that. But I think it's interesting, the coils in there.

And here is what is keeping me from actually ripping my guts out. Because omg it stills hurts. But I'm guessing this is taking the edge off.

When I got home I got Noah's pillows and blankets and turned on some cartoons and got into bed. Noah climbed up in bed with me and we snuggled until I fell asleep. I woke up about an hour and half later, when Preston called to let me know he was almost here to drop off my prescription of my pain pills. I looked around and didn't see know and instantly got worried. I ran out to grab my bottle from Preston and came back in to find Noah. I looked around, no damage done. Came back in my room and bam. There is was...fast asleep on my floor at the foot of my bed.

He found the sharpies I had hidden under my bed last night and colored all over his hands and head and didn't even put it down before he fell asleep.
When he woke up we ate a cupcake, played in my bed for a while, watched Cars, ate dinner, then went in his room for bed time games and story time. He's fast asleep now and it's very quiet in here. I've still got some seriously horrible cramping going on and I'm still feeling sad and like...I lost something. It hurts if I stand up or moved. But I know tomorrow will be way better. And it's done. No use crying now. I think.
Posted by Th3 Black Hole at 9:18 PM 0 comments