Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 122: Numbers

I have been told, several...SEVERAL...times recently:

Getting a good/teaching job in this economy is a numbers game.

Well, shoot - why didn't someone tell me that earlier?

I'm great with numbers! If it's a numbers game, I can totally play.

I just did this tonight, and that was just on one website. I think I sent out about 15 more resumes via e-mail.

But I started to get confused about where I had applied and where I hadn't - and where I looked and where I hadn't. So the numbers game has become all statistical and whatnot. The places with black X's either don't have jobs, or I have applied for every job I'm eligible for in it.

I'm certainly not done yet - lots more states to go.

If only someone so wise had told me about this game to begin with!