I finally rented Black Swan (It came out today!). I've been wanting to see it for a while.
So as the previews were going through, this one movie caught my attention, it's called 127 hours. It's like an indie film that got amazing reviews and is nominated for a ton of awards, and it stars James Franco.
The story sounds familiar...guy stuck in a mountain in Utah for 6 days and he ultimately cuts his own arm off.
So I looked it up online, as I'm one to do. And ran across this video. OMG. You gotta watch it. I recommend not watching it, because I feel like stabbing my eyes out, but you should watch it anyways!
So as the previews were going through, this one movie caught my attention, it's called 127 hours. It's like an indie film that got amazing reviews and is nominated for a ton of awards, and it stars James Franco.
The story sounds familiar...guy stuck in a mountain in Utah for 6 days and he ultimately cuts his own arm off.
So I looked it up online, as I'm one to do. And ran across this video. OMG. You gotta watch it. I recommend not watching it, because I feel like stabbing my eyes out, but you should watch it anyways!
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