I thought perhaps you were curious about what my day was like today.
I mean, I know you aren't really, but what else am I going to talk about?
So I thought I'd share with you how my day went.
6:45am: Up to work out
7:15am: Wake Bri up, get breakfasts for the kids, yell at Bri to hurry up in the shower, then hurry up and get dressed, then hurry up and eat breakfast then hurry up to get her stuff together. Then yell at Noah to hurry up and get in the car.
8am: Drive Bri to school.
8:28am: Drive home from dropping Bri off at school
9am: Get home, get Noah dressed while he screams at me to "Be Areful!" (careful, for those of you that don't speak Noahese), put Barney on, phone rings.
9:20am: Have an hour long conversation with Tammy while cleaning the house.
10:20am: Hang up with Tammy because I have to be at her house in an hour anyways.
10:25am: Get in the shower, put clothes on, put jewelry on, put face on.
11:25am: Leave for Tammys.
11:31am: Arrive at Tammys. Listen to Noah yell "Mom, stay! Mom, stay! Mom, stay!". Stay for 30 minutes.
12:00p: Go to job interview
12:20p: Bomb job interview, and fill out a 12 page packet in the process.
1:47p: Arrive at bus stop to get Bri.
2:10p: Arrive at Tammy's to get Noah.
2:30p: Arrive at Walmart.
4:00p: Finally Leave Walmart.
4:15p: Get home. Start putting groceries away.

4:45p: Finish putting groceries away. Start making dinner.

5:15p: Eat dinner.

5:45p: Go out side and watch the kids play. Bri jumps on the trampoline while Noah tunnels out under the fence towards freedom. I truly believe at some point he will actually make it out. Nelly helps.
6:30p: Bedtime routine starts. This is my favorite part of the day. Chaos ensues, Dinosaur game, stories, pretending to be puppies, more stories, a pillow fight and Noah transforming into a ghost.

7:15p: Sing Twinkle twinkle little zebra 3 times and shut Noah's door.
7:23p: Noah's out of his room for the first time. Put him back in bed, sing Twinkle Twinkle littler zebra again, twice. Shut the door. Again.
7:45p: house locked down. Much like a prison, only there's alcohol and the Tv isn't controlled by angry men with tasers and battons.
8pm: In bed, with Bri staring at me waiting to play Monopoly. Started writing reports.
9:25p: 3 reports written, one Hard Mike's down, and no Monopoly played...Bri's still staring....gotta go...
I mean, I know you aren't really, but what else am I going to talk about?
So I thought I'd share with you how my day went.
6:45am: Up to work out
7:15am: Wake Bri up, get breakfasts for the kids, yell at Bri to hurry up in the shower, then hurry up and get dressed, then hurry up and eat breakfast then hurry up to get her stuff together. Then yell at Noah to hurry up and get in the car.
8am: Drive Bri to school.
8:28am: Drive home from dropping Bri off at school
9am: Get home, get Noah dressed while he screams at me to "Be Areful!" (careful, for those of you that don't speak Noahese), put Barney on, phone rings.
9:20am: Have an hour long conversation with Tammy while cleaning the house.
10:20am: Hang up with Tammy because I have to be at her house in an hour anyways.
10:25am: Get in the shower, put clothes on, put jewelry on, put face on.
11:25am: Leave for Tammys.
11:31am: Arrive at Tammys. Listen to Noah yell "Mom, stay! Mom, stay! Mom, stay!". Stay for 30 minutes.
12:00p: Go to job interview
12:20p: Bomb job interview, and fill out a 12 page packet in the process.
1:47p: Arrive at bus stop to get Bri.
2:10p: Arrive at Tammy's to get Noah.
2:30p: Arrive at Walmart.
4:00p: Finally Leave Walmart.
4:15p: Get home. Start putting groceries away.
4:45p: Finish putting groceries away. Start making dinner.
5:15p: Eat dinner.
5:45p: Go out side and watch the kids play. Bri jumps on the trampoline while Noah tunnels out under the fence towards freedom. I truly believe at some point he will actually make it out. Nelly helps.
6:30p: Bedtime routine starts. This is my favorite part of the day. Chaos ensues, Dinosaur game, stories, pretending to be puppies, more stories, a pillow fight and Noah transforming into a ghost.
7:15p: Sing Twinkle twinkle little zebra 3 times and shut Noah's door.
7:23p: Noah's out of his room for the first time. Put him back in bed, sing Twinkle Twinkle littler zebra again, twice. Shut the door. Again.
7:45p: house locked down. Much like a prison, only there's alcohol and the Tv isn't controlled by angry men with tasers and battons.
8pm: In bed, with Bri staring at me waiting to play Monopoly. Started writing reports.
9:25p: 3 reports written, one Hard Mike's down, and no Monopoly played...Bri's still staring....gotta go...
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