Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 93: What would you do??

Living in Wyoming most of my life...I've never really even given a second thought to buying a lottery ticket.

In fact, I never have.

When I lived in Denver, I made good friends with a man that owned a little mom and pop type gas station. Every once in a while we'd go halfs on a scratcher, but that has been the extent of my lottery playing.

However, this morning it was big news that the Mega Millions lotto pot is up to 312 Million dollars. Can you even begin to imagine?

So for the first time in my life, I've purchased 10 chances to win. Numbers will be drawn in 17 minutes.

Granted, I'm not holding my breath or anything. But wouldn't it be something?

So of course, I've let my brain wonder through the scenario. Because, hey, why not?

Here's what I decided:

1. I would obviously take the lump sum.

2. I would hire an attorney and accountant. (lol - I'm so practical)

3. I would set up college, life, whatever funds for:
a. Bri
b. Noah
c. Colby
d. Brayden
e. Maddison
f. Allie
g. Blaine

4. I would buy Tammy a house of her choosing

5. I would buy us a house, much like the one we currently live in, modest, nice back yard, safe neighborhood, near Tammy.

6. I would set up a fund for my cousin to finish college and never have to worry about taking care of her and weeman

6. I would pull Bri out of school and hire a private tutor and a nanny.

7. Let the traveling begin.

And somewhere in there, I would probably contact K and say what now bitch...because...yes I am that big of a bitch. Lol.

And of course, we'd go to a Justin Bieber concert, a Taylor Swift concert, pay off any debt I have, etc etc

After that, I think I'd go back to living a normal life. Loving my kids, doing the best I can by them, working with other kids. But of course, that kind of money changes everything.

So that's my long played out fantasy.

What would you do with that kind of money?