Reasons I know something is wrong:
1. He never makes eye contact. With anyone. I can sometimes force him into it, but rarely.
2. He hates to be held, touched by most people, hugged, kissed, dressed, carried, helped out of the car, anything that requires a physical connection.
3. He gets stuck on things and can't let them go. Whether its an idea he keeps repeating over and over, on an object he refuses to put done and will carry all day and then into bed because he can't put it down.
4. He has absolute meltdowns that don't make any sense. He can go from fine to insanely angry and upset in a split second.

5. Angry for him consists of screaming, closed fist punching, slapping, throwing any and everything near him, biting occasionally, etc.
6. He growls and tries to bite strangers. Seriously.
7. There are times that I am actually afraid of him. Like today, when I tried to put his socks on and he actually, literally slammed the back of his head into my face and split my lip open.
That is my current list...I am sure there is more but today has been to hard as it is, I don't wanna think bout it anymore. I am genuinely, seriously concerned. The older he gets the more apparent it is becoming and the more serious it's getting. He literally attacked the guy at the door selling coupon books. Like full on turned into a dinosaur, roaring, stomping, then charging and tried to bite him. Most of today was spent with him trying to hurt someone in the house, me, Tammy, and Ally. I'm exhausted.
I did find him a pediatrician finally today, and made an appointment for March 11. But to get him services here, I have to go through a Developmental Pediatrician for an actual diagnosis, and all of them I talked to today don't take my insurance. So we are going to have to go through Phoenix Children's Hospital, which I have heard has a 6 month waiting list. So I guess I'm going to wait until his appointment and see if his doctor can get me a referral to someone that can help. At 3, he can go half day to a Developmental Preschool, that will work with him through the local school district. So I am going to call them next week to set up a screening.
I am also very excited because I found myself a new doctor and made an appointment to sign the consent to get my tubes tied. Then 30 days from the day I sign it, I can get it done! YAYYY YAYAYAY! Very excited about that.
I took the kids to see Gnomeo and Juliet tonight, because I was a little afraid to bring Noah home after the day he had. The movies is one place he will actually sit and be nice for an extended amount of time - so I like it there. The movie was cute, but i could have written a way better ending, they screwed that up.
And yea, that's it.