As I am sure you know, today was the Super Bowl. I didn't really care who won, as I haven't had any emotional investment in football for years. But I announced at the beginning of the game that I would root for the Packers. It ended up being a decent game and the Packers did win.
I made Nachos for me and the kids to share.
I made Nachos for me and the kids to share.
So that was that.
Chelsea tagged me in this 30 day challenge thing, that you are supposed to do on facebook, but I figured I'd do it here instead. So the first day is
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
(I hate posting pictures of myself, so here's a weird one I photo messed with)
Alright, 15 facts:
1. I am obsessed with the color Purple
2. I love Rhinos - they are so beautiful, I could sit and watch them at the Zoo all day
3. The song that I most relate to is: Perfect by Simple Plan
4. I have had my dog, Nelly for four years. She's moved with me 4 times and is the best dog I have ever known. She is half lab half German shepard.
5. I am a rehabilitated christian, meaning I am proud Atheist.
6. I could eat Cesar Salads for every meal.
7. I don't mind watching Disney channel, and even shed a tear during the series finale of Hannah Montana.
8. In another life, I believe I was some sort of artist. It just didn't quite translate to this one.
9. History fascinates me, I love learning all about everything that has ever been.
10. I was adopted, and search for my birth mother once a year on my birthday. So far, for 5 years, no leads.
11. If I had a maid, and a husband that loved me and my kids, my life right this moment would be completely perfect.
12. I have 4 tattoos, and finally outlined the 3 I am going to get in the next couple weeks. I am SO excited about that.
13. I have found peace with the fact the my life is never going to be what I had wanted to be. I am finally the art of letting go.
14. I like reading smutty romance novels.
15. I want to travel the world before I die. See everything, experience it all for myself.
Chelsea tagged me in this 30 day challenge thing, that you are supposed to do on facebook, but I figured I'd do it here instead. So the first day is
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
(I hate posting pictures of myself, so here's a weird one I photo messed with)

1. I am obsessed with the color Purple
2. I love Rhinos - they are so beautiful, I could sit and watch them at the Zoo all day
3. The song that I most relate to is: Perfect by Simple Plan
4. I have had my dog, Nelly for four years. She's moved with me 4 times and is the best dog I have ever known. She is half lab half German shepard.
5. I am a rehabilitated christian, meaning I am proud Atheist.
6. I could eat Cesar Salads for every meal.
7. I don't mind watching Disney channel, and even shed a tear during the series finale of Hannah Montana.
8. In another life, I believe I was some sort of artist. It just didn't quite translate to this one.
9. History fascinates me, I love learning all about everything that has ever been.
10. I was adopted, and search for my birth mother once a year on my birthday. So far, for 5 years, no leads.
11. If I had a maid, and a husband that loved me and my kids, my life right this moment would be completely perfect.
12. I have 4 tattoos, and finally outlined the 3 I am going to get in the next couple weeks. I am SO excited about that.
13. I have found peace with the fact the my life is never going to be what I had wanted to be. I am finally the art of letting go.
14. I like reading smutty romance novels.
15. I want to travel the world before I die. See everything, experience it all for myself.
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