Today - I did it. I threw away every single item of junk food in our house. And went and spent an ungodly amount at the grocery store stocking up on yummy healthy snacks and meats and ingredients to cook better food.
Because Today, I choose to be healthy.

I bought a scale. Something I've always been against, because I hate the idea of dwelling on a number. But it's a necessary evil. Bri and I both weighed in. I was actually disgusted and pleased at the same time. I expected to be much higher then I actually was, so bonus. But still need to lose about 70 pounds-ish. Though my goal is not a number on a scale, it's clothes. My goal is to fit into really cute clothes. The side bonus is to be able to climb the mountains here like Camelback and Superstition.

So I worked out twice today. Which is my goal. One hour a day. Jillian in the morning for what I thought was going to be a yoga session. It turned out to be a kick your ass cardio workout that almost killed me. I felt a little weak all day, but good as I headed into Dancing with the Stars. We did a 30 minutes workout, learning the Jive and Swing. I didn't get 80% of it but certainly not for lack of 100% effort, and looked..and smelled... a little like I'd ran a marathon when I finished.
Bri and I went to the movies this afternoon. Packed our own healthy, measured out snacks, and managed to make it to our seats with only the purchase of a water bottle. So proud. When we got home, I made dinner. It was delicious!
I made tomato and Mozzarella Pizza.

Boboli Pizza crust, Olive oil, 1 cup part skim mozzarella, 2 plum tomatoes, black pepper, basil, and 3 slice of bacon.

Spread a little olive oil over the crust. I just sliced a few pieces of the Mozz cheese and stuck it on there, topped it was the tomato slices, and sprinkle with basil and pepper. I shredded up just a little bit of Mozzarella and threw it over the tomatoes. While it cooked for 8 minutes at 450, I microwaved 3 pieces of bacon and crumbled it up. Put it on top when the pizza was done, for some added flavor, and viola!
According to my cookbook, cut into 6 slices, each slice has 263 calories. Had it not been so late, I would have mixed up some spinach salad to go with it - would have been great!
Bri and I also sat down and made some signs for around the house to give us some encouragement. This is my favorite!

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