Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 49: Science Fair

Bri has started her science fair project. We are basically just doing a twist on the project we did last year. The idea is to see which French Fries have the most preservatives. So we bought four different fries, within 30 minutes of each other, brought them home and put them in bowls. The bowls are marked A, B, C, and D.

The Fries are from In & Out Burger, Jack in the Box, Weinerschnitzel, and Wendy's.

I thought this might be a Contest!! So - if you want to enter, leave me a comment here or on facebook, telling me in which order they will grow mold the fastest to the slowest. The person closest to correct, will receive an actual prize in the mail. It's a science contest!

Now - what you have all been waiting for! Exhibits A, B, and C of what my days are like.

Today, Noah picked up a screwdriver, threw it at Bri as hard as her could, and pegged her right in the head. She's got a pretty bruise to prove it. She cried, Noah screamed and the next hour and a half were complete meltdown mode. Noah refused to apologize, hit, punched, kicked, slammed the door on me...

So...a normal Tuesday.

The first video is just Noah. Being him. The second was taken 30 minutes into the meltdown, after he had trashed his room, threw everything off his shelves, and been spanked a few times for biting me. Just thought I'd give ya a glimpse!