I found this little treasure at the bottom of the box.
I don't imagine it would be a tough guess to figure out what this is. But could you guess how old it is?
The first entry is from 12/31/1999. Which would make me 16 years old.
The last entry is dated 5/20/2001.Which would make only 3 months from 18.
The funny part about this diary is how insane my life actually was during this time. So to have an actual record of it - just makes me smile - and kinda feel sick. So I just thought for humor's sake - I'd share just a feel thoughts from my teenage angst.
"Today I have made it into the new millennium. I am alive and it is January First, Year 2000! Amazing, and disappointing."
"I know that I am only 16, but really, I don't think I will ever love anyone besides him. Why does everything have to be so complicated?" hahaha
"Trying to serve God is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do.I feel so alone and without answers. I don't know where I am being led and I don't really have a choice anyways."
"At least that's what Gram say. I know that I can trust her. She is so understanding. She is the only person that is supporting me on going to Black Hills State. She knows that Casper is not the place I need to be. Casper will never be my real home again."
"Life is so not fair. I feel so alone and I just want to curl up in a ball and stay there for a whole year. I am 17 years old and still treated like I'm 2! I just want a family! I want to feel important and loved. I have been at CSS for 3 frikkin years! I have felt unloved unloved the entire time. I just need a home. But when I come home, no one understands me. I want to be a daughter, not just a color! I want to go to school, wear normal clothes, go out on a date, call a friend, drive a car or take a walk! Why? Why me? I hate my life so much right now I dread waking up in the morning and pray that Jesus comes back every night. I don't know what to do, why don't they want me?"
"I hang out with mostly Priscilla and the boys. I know that I should make some girl friends but girls are SO moody and fickle! They make me so mad sometimes!"
"I won a trip to German and will be going in April! I can't believe it, I am so looking forward to it!"
"I graduated high school! I have a crappy telemarketing job and am enrolled in classes for the summer! I am so close to getting out of here! The next step in my adventure....here I come!

So anyways - I just read through this whole thing and cracked up laughing like 20 times. And almost cried a few times. I think it might be about time to burn this sucker, but for now...it goes back into the box!
This concludes the shuffling through my Memory Box. The last thing is tucked away back into the closet. Thanks for going on that journey with me!
The first entry is from 12/31/1999. Which would make me 16 years old.
The last entry is dated 5/20/2001.Which would make only 3 months from 18.
The funny part about this diary is how insane my life actually was during this time. So to have an actual record of it - just makes me smile - and kinda feel sick. So I just thought for humor's sake - I'd share just a feel thoughts from my teenage angst.
"I know that I am only 16, but really, I don't think I will ever love anyone besides him. Why does everything have to be so complicated?" hahaha
"Trying to serve God is the hardest thing I have ever tried to do.I feel so alone and without answers. I don't know where I am being led and I don't really have a choice anyways."
"At least that's what Gram say. I know that I can trust her. She is so understanding. She is the only person that is supporting me on going to Black Hills State. She knows that Casper is not the place I need to be. Casper will never be my real home again."
"Life is so not fair. I feel so alone and I just want to curl up in a ball and stay there for a whole year. I am 17 years old and still treated like I'm 2! I just want a family! I want to feel important and loved. I have been at CSS for 3 frikkin years! I have felt unloved unloved the entire time. I just need a home. But when I come home, no one understands me. I want to be a daughter, not just a color! I want to go to school, wear normal clothes, go out on a date, call a friend, drive a car or take a walk! Why? Why me? I hate my life so much right now I dread waking up in the morning and pray that Jesus comes back every night. I don't know what to do, why don't they want me?"
"I hang out with mostly Priscilla and the boys. I know that I should make some girl friends but girls are SO moody and fickle! They make me so mad sometimes!"
"I won a trip to German and will be going in April! I can't believe it, I am so looking forward to it!"
"I graduated high school! I have a crappy telemarketing job and am enrolled in classes for the summer! I am so close to getting out of here! The next step in my adventure....here I come!
So anyways - I just read through this whole thing and cracked up laughing like 20 times. And almost cried a few times. I think it might be about time to burn this sucker, but for now...it goes back into the box!
This concludes the shuffling through my Memory Box. The last thing is tucked away back into the closet. Thanks for going on that journey with me!
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