I was recently told that someone had never met anyone that loved the zoo as much as I do. They said that the excitement the zoo caused me was almost abnormal.

Well, it's true. I LOVE the zoo.

These animals absolutely amaze me. I can never get over seeing these amazing creatures in one place - from all over the world.

Especially Rhinos. I love Rhinos. So much.
I really love the Phoenix so because of the nature of the animals. They are all at the zoo because they can not survive in the wild for one reason or another. These aren't captured animals that long for their old homes. They are genuinely there because they would die anywhere else.

And they are really great about stopping and answering questions and providing hands on experiences. We have fed giraffes and sting rays, ridden a camel, had up close views with new koalas, and fed and brushed goats.

My wonderful friend Tammy actually got us annual passes to the zoo for Christmas. I've only gotten to use it once, because unfortunately, it's about an 40 minute drive to the zoo.
I miss it - it's time to go back.
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