For some reason, I can't seem to get excited about writing here today.
I think partly it is because I haven't slept in 4 days, partly because I don't know what I want to write about, and partly because I desperately and passionately want a Code Red Mountain Dew but can't go get one because Noah is asleep and it's driving me insane.
So I just decided to tell you - I love tattoos. Like, passionately. I have 4. Much to my mother's dismay! And I want more! More more more more! (Thanks April, for the inspiration).

Tattoos really don't have anything so do with diseases or disorders, but they can be addicting, and still have a bad wrap. Which I think is absurd. Jeez - I thought absurd was spelled ubsurd - thank goodness for spell check. Which has now underlined my version of ubsurd...twice.
Tammy's son has tattoos everywhere, fingers, hand, arms, chest..and wants more, even one on his throat. A few years ago, I might have thought he was insane. But now, I respect his choices and his ability to express himself without shame. He doesn't care what people think about him, or his tattoos because he likes them. How freeing.

So, I think I have decided to finally fix my Colby tattoo, and get my Noah tattoo. I'm going to find an artist that can put on paper what is in my head to make my back frikkin awesome.
Because, after all...tattoos are just artwork. Beautiful artwork, that tells a story.
P.S. This totally qualifies as Manic Monday - cuz this is the most random, manic blog I've written in a while.)
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