As you can probably tell, I have spent the last couple days going through my last boxes. Boxes that have moved with me over and over again, that occasionally get things thrown into them, but never get opened.
They are my memory boxes. I have one, maybe two, more posts after this one, and then the memories will be packed back into the closet, to be left again for years to come. That post will have to wait, as tomorrow is Manic Monday...but I am looking forward to sharing the other little treasures I have found.
Today, however, I want to share the most wonderful woman to ever walk the face of the Earth. A couple years ago, I realized that her time was running short, and I asked her to write down her life for me. To share it with me, so that I could pass it on to my children, who loved her dearly.
She did as I asked, and handed them over to me. And the papers went into "the box", and I haven't looked at them since. I blogged about my grandma, in February when she was dying (if you are interested, click HERE to read it), and shared a little bit about how important she was to me. But I would like to share today, some things she said in her own words.
"There were so many happy memories for me. I have to say I had a wonderful marriage and a beautiful family. Of course, our children were the joy of grandpa and my life."
"I remember when John Dillinger, the gangster got killed at the theater on the North side of Chicago. So me and my two friends went to see the blood on the sidewalks."
"I met grandpa in March of 1942, he proposed in May. We got married June 13, 1942. God has someone for you in the world, and grandpa was mine. We never went to bed without saying I love you. It just seemed like we were soul mates. I was so stubborn though. I would get so mad I wouldn't talk to him, but he would just let me stew until I came around."
"I remember when grandpa and I got our first car in 1947. It was a 1942 Plymouth. I didn't drive then. Grandpa did all the driving. We were able to finally go visit our relatives and friends."
"When Disneyland opened in Anaheim California, we took the children there. We would spend the whole day there. Grandpa loved to take the children on all the rides. We ate dinner there and there was so much to see. We also went to Magic Mountain Amusement Park. Again, grandpa loved the high roller coasters. I was afraid to go with him and the children on the high rides. I loved the safe rides on the ground."
"When I was working, I loved to go shopping. I loved to buy stylish clothes to wear to the office where I worked. Grandpa always called me a shopaholic!"
"We had fond memories of Christmas in Wyoming at the Flynn house. It was a joy to see Brian and Shelly's faces at Christmas."
"I have 11 great grandchildren. Quite a family. Brian and Melanie will have a baby in November. That will make 12 great grandchildren."

I was so incredibly lucky to have her in my life and not a day goes by that I don't miss her.
At some point, I will sort through all these papers and get it typed up properly for the kids. But for now, they go back into the box, to be moved from house to house. A gift to me, from her, to keep her memory alive in my heart forever.
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