Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 35: Talk about it Tuesday

Tuesday - book day!

This week I read The Perfect Fit, by Louise Kean.

I have had this book for a while, but never really wanted to read it. You see, my weight is a constant issue, in my head and in everyday life. And this book deals with this issue.

The basic plot line is that Sunny Weston had been overweight her entire life. She had struggled with low self esteem and turned to food rather then other healthier options. But the book begins when she had lost almost 100 pounds and was almost to her goal weight. It follows her through struggles with friends, as they are suddenly bitter and jealous. She struggles with the relationship she had always wanted, and finally got, but only because he saw her as more then a friend after she lost the weight. When a traumatic event puts her on a crash course with a strange and anti social's interesting.

I have to say - I loved the story. But I am not sure that I loved the writing. It was a bit tough to get through, details in places I didn't necessarily feel like there should be, and not enough in places that I wanted more.

So, I guess I don't know if I'd recommend it or not. But it was good for me to read.